
A Guided Tour of My Online Guitar School

What Is Patreon?

Patreon is a crowdfunding subscription platform that gives members access to exclusive content, but it’s also so much more than that! My Patreon is all about community and education. It’s a place for guitarists of varying levels to come together and expand their knowledge of guitar, music theory, and songwriting. Patrons who join me will gain access to over 175 video lessons and courses, adding up to over 100 hours of content, with new lessons being added frequently. Lessons that range from music theory basics, to soloing techniques, to writing, analyzing, and even recording songs. Patrons gain access to a private discussion forum, as well as exclusive Q&A live streams where they can ask questions, get real-time answers, and join in the discussion of weekly topics that are decided on by the community. Basically, it’s the place to be if you are a fan of my YouTube content, but are eager for more knowledge on a broader range of topics!


Here’s just a taste of some of the lessons I currently offer:


Music Theory For Guitar Course

For many people, music theory can be a scary concept, which is why I’ve produced a course on my Patreon specifically designed for guitar players who want to learn music theory. “Music Theory for Guitar” is a course that I’ve constructed to break things down into the smallest possible pieces so that everyone can understand not just what music theory is, but how to actually use it on the guitar. It’s an ongoing series, currently comprised of 7 core music theory concepts, each broken down into multiple parts, which help deliver information and put it into practice.

Here’s a clip from my “Music Theory For Guitar” course:


Music Theory Monday Series

Once you’ve made it through the first 7 sections of my “Music Theory For Guitar” course, you’ve learned enough to move on to the “Music Theory Monday” series. This series was designed to feel like a casual discussion, but with homework. Think of it as a spruced up lecture series where we dive deeper into more complex music theory concepts.

So far, I’ve filmed about 20 episodes, covering concepts like, Chords In A Key, 7th Chords, the difference between Natural, Harmonic, and Melodic Minor, as well as a discussion of what Modes are and how to actually use them - and some other stuff too!


Strumming Patterns Course

I think it's important to have a wide variety of interesting things to work on, which is why I've added a whole list of side lessons on my Patreon. One of these side series is about Strumming Patterns.

In this set of lessons I help you understand the mechanics of pretty much any strumming pattern you’ll encounter. This series gives you a solid foundation for how to make your own strumming patterns and helps you understand how and why strumming patterns work the way they do.

Check out some snippets from other side lessons and series below.

Here’s a clip is from my “Octave Shapes” lesson:


This clip is from my “Soloing” series:


And here’s a clip from my “Rubik’s Cube” course:


Exclusive Community Forum

Every video lesson I post to my Patreon contains a link to a private forum, exclusive to my Patreon community.  This forum is where Patrons and myself can discuss the content of each lesson. If you’re new to internet forums, this may not sound very exciting, but this private forum allows my Patrons to upload images, audio clips, and even video files of what they are working on. It’s a place to ask questions, dig deeper into topics, and open up new avenues of discussion related to that specific lesson!


Weekly Live Stream Q&A Sessions

Every week, I host a private live stream video lesson, where Patrons can join in and ask questions about guitar, music theory, songwriting, or whatever else might come up! Members can submit questions for me to answer beforehand and either tune into the live event, or access the video later, during a time that works for them. I try to vary the day and time of live stream events in order to help accommodate everyone’s schedules.


GarageBand Basics

The GarageBand course on my Patreon is designed to help you learn the basics of recording yourself at home - how to use an audio interface, how to set your input levels correctly, and build basic skills around recording, editing, and even manipulating MIDI Instruments. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how to capture useable vocals, guitar, or really any instrument you might want to record..


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